Guidelines for Posting as a UT Representative


Only authorized University representatives may make official statements on behalf of the University. Any message that could potentially serve as a statement on behalf of the University, one of its campuses, institutes or enterprises, must be approved by the appropriate communication official for that University entity. 

Get the Facts 

Ensure accuracy before posting. Official information must be verified with the appropriate University source. When possible, citing sources in posts is suggested. 

Protect the University 

Postings on behalf of the University are perceived as speaking for the University. Nothing in these guidelines shall be construed as infringing on the free speech rights of University employees as citizens, but employees’ personal views of any kind are not to be purported as representing the University. When in doubt, consult your supervisor or the appropriate communication official for your University entity. 

Time Matters 

An administrator should be assigned to monitor and check online postings at frequent, regular intervals. 

Responsibility Matters 

Postings are the responsibility of their creator. 


Remember that University postings represent and reflect on the University. Be respectful of others’ posted opinions, even though they may be critical of University postings. Inappropriate postings (spam, profanity or other inappropriate or threatening language) to official accounts supported by the Office of Communications and Marketing will be deleted. 

Think Before You Post 

When in doubt, consult your supervisor or the appropriate communication official for your University entity.